Hello World!
At this point - I don't have many people that read these consistently, but hopefully, someone out there appreciates this. I also just wanted the chance to sort of get my bearings and lay down some boundaries for myself. This post is about me - my past, my dreams, and what you can expect moving forward. If you haven't noticed by now, I haven't been super consistent in writing these blogs, and part of that is because I didn't really know what I was doing with my business. Over the last several months, this has become super clear to me and will allow me to put the content out there that I REALLY want to share with people vs what I think people want to see.

Let's go back to a few years ago. I was laid off from my coaching job with CompTrain, had a passion and talent for design work, and NO idea what I was doing. I got a job with a local designer as an assistant and quickly moved up to junior designer. YAY! Then... she fired me. Life was weird, I decided to try my hand at owning a business and being an interior designer in the traditional sense, i.e. designing spaces for other people. And that's what I've been doing for the last year and a half. I've had residential clients, commercial clients, big projects, small projects, INCREDIBLE clients, and terrible ones. It has been a whirlwind and such an incredible and enlightening experience. Here's what I've learned:
I LOVE being my own boss and running a business.
I don't love designing for other people.
My creativity doesn't work great within the boundaries of someone else's desires.
You'll have challenges and things you don't want to deal with, even doing something you love.
People have a hard time choosing between wanting to hire a designer and wanting to figure out how to DIY projects.
Given these points, I've decided to pivot. My creativity will now only be limited by my own boundaries. I want to create designs that people can run with on their own if they choose to and teach people how to bring their own creativity to life in their homes and offices. I will consult on projects involving homes and office spaces and help curate pieces to fit into visions. I will take on my own personal dream projects in hopes of inspiring others. In shorter words, I am still an interior designer, but now I'm doing things a little less traditionally - go me!
What's Coming...

This brings me to now. I am on a mission to help people bring their creativity to life in their homes and offices. My blogs are here to inform you, inspire you, and answer your questions. You can expect to see my renovation project updates and courses designed to help you DIY. Expect tutorials, mood boards (definitely follow my Pinterest if you love a good mood board), and entire room design packages. I am here to show you how to do what I do or, at the very least, inspire you to live and work in a space you're proud of and feel connected to.
The most prominent things coming up are a bus renovation projection and our wedding... EEK!
Renovating a bus has been on my bucket list for a longgg time, and I can't wait to show you the WHOLE process. And, SPOILER... we have bought a bus, so I can officially say work has begun! I'll be posting a bi-weekly video update on YouTube as well as a follow-up blog to give you all the details and answer any questions. We are working on setting up a waitlist to book, and I can't wait to hear all of our feedback!

As far as our wedding goes - we are getting married at Bodhi Farms in Montana on July 22nd. I will do a few one-off posts here and there to tell you all about it, but in light of staying within my mission, most of this page and my YouTube will be dedicated to my design work. You can follow along with wedding details on my personal Instagram @_heyitsheather_
Get Excited!!
P.S. I've also started working part-time for my local Chamber of Commerce to get more invested in my local community and make an impact by connecting and supporting our small businesses. I didn't really understand the effect of this work until I was introduced to it, and now I'm fully committed to the mission. I can't wait to see where this journey takes me.
As always rooting for you!
Omg Heather. My husband and I have always wanted to Reno a bus!! I’m excited to see what you do!!!